15 October 2007

Putin in Iran: assassination looming?

The rumor spreads through the media like a bushfire. To start with, a somewhat ridiculous item in CNN:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been told about a plot to assassinate him during a visit to Iran this week, a Kremlin spokeswoman said Sunday.The spokeswoman, who spoke on customary condition of anonymity, refused further comment.
If it is a "Kremlin spokeswoman", how could she be anonymous? Bizarre.

BBC (an others) adds that:
The Interfax news agency cited sources in the Russian special services saying a gang of suicide bombers would attempt to kill Mr Putin in Tehran.
So, the modus operandi is established. Not that it is new to the region.

Al Jazeera adds a strong Iranian denial:
But Tehran has described as "totally baseless" the report, which said Russian security services had been told suicide bombers and kidnappers were training to kill or capture Vladimir Putin.
Of course. There is a glut of willing volunteers that many Iranian luminaries brag about. Just find a cause and point a finger, and the easily combustible youngsters are ready.

According to this Russian source, Putin dismissed the news.
On Sunday evening, Vladimir Putin had a dinner at the restaurant "Adler Wirtschaft" with Angela Merkel. Before the meal, asked about the forthcoming (sic!) assassination attempt, President waived it off, saying: "Later."
Did he mean to say that the assassination is planned for later? In any case, he is quite good in keeping that stiff upper lip.

The interesting part of this story is the lack of comment from Iranian official media. Fars tells about the visit:
Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to pay a visit to Tehran on Monday to attend a summit of the Caspian Sea littoral states.
No mention of the assassination attempt rumors. The only worthy hint on possible friction between Moscow and Tehran could be found in another Fars article:
Vice-Speaker of the Iranian parliament Mohammad Reza Bahonar called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to take a deeper approach when dealing with Iran's issue.
Whether the remark refers to the depth of the Caspian or some other issues between Iran and Russia is unclear, there is no further development of the subject. On the other side, it could be the Iranian way to shout out to Putin: "Duck!".

Clearly, Putin is not the most popular figure in the Muslim world due to Russian unending (and so far unsuccessful) attempts to "pacify" Chechnya. His maneuvering on the Iranian nuclear issue raises hackles on both sides of the barricades. Russia is consistent, though, in its relentless arms sales drive - to the Iranians or any other bearer of ready cash.

It will be kind of funny if the Semtex used for that bomb...

Update: But of course, it is the Zionists:
According to news sources in Central Asia, Tehran's foes are engaged in extensive lobbies to throw obstacles in the way of the Caspian Sea states summit in Tehran.

These sources claim that the Zionist regime's intelligence service and those of western countries have jointly launched a psychological warfare to cancel Putin's visit to Tehran.
It is becoming boring...

Hat tip: Judeopundit.

Cross-posted on Yourish.com.
