04 May 2007

Yes - I am definitely a saint

This is a totally new one for me, but I am not the one to avoid a challenge. So:

You’re St. Jerome!

You’re a passionate Christian, fiercely devoted to Jesus Christ and his Church. You are willing to labor long hours in the Lord’s vineyard, and you have little patience with those who are less willing or able to work as you do. Your passions often carry you into temptation zones of wrath, lust, and pride.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!

The last statement is totally true and fitting. And while I do not exactly labor long hours in the Lord’s vineyard, the mere mention of the word "vineyard" makes me thirsty.

For some reason Fathers of the Church haven't added the picture of the saint to the result, so here it comes:

Everyone who knows me will confirm that this is, miraculously, a true and faithful image of your humble servant, caught in a rare moment when not in throes of wrath, lust or pride. The glass has no place in the picture, and I do not remember the brand of liqueur I was imbibing at the moment.

So here.

to George Szirtes.
