07 July 2006

Comment is Free - No comments required

It is one of the cases when Politically Correct idiocy is so outstanding, so in your face, that there is no need to comment neither on the whole nor on the parts of it. It is an article by Martin Jacques in the notorious Comment is Free. To start with - subtitle:

The World Cup is a marvel of global representation. So why is it getting whiter?

And then some choice bits.

With the next World Cup being held in South Africa, we must hope for a much greater representation of African sides. Without doubt, Ghana and the Ivory Coast were two of the best sides in this World Cup, but they fell well before they should have done, while Nigeria and Cameroon, the traditionally strongest African sides, never made it to Germany. Fifa needs to find a way of increasing the number of African sides in the last 32 - hopefully at the expense of Europe.

But this feeling of regression is not just related to the over-representation of European sides - linked no doubt to the fact that it was held in Germany - during these championships. It is also about the question of colour. We are now familiar with the incidence of black and brown players in European sides. This traditionally, however, has only been a characteristic of the French, English and Dutch sides. I haven't tried to make any precise statistical analysis of the European sides this time around but it feels that here again there has been a retreat.

But the matter cannot rest there. There is also something else that is deeply regrettable about global football, namely the overwhelming predominance of whites as managers and coaches. Even Brazil - a team invariably with a majority of blacks and browns - always has a white Brazilian manager.

There may be nations and races galore on the field, but racist assumptions continue to imbue and shape football. And this World Cup has been a step backwards.

No comments. Just a question: are these people for real?


Anonymous said...

Привет. Странаня ситуация, пытаюсь зайти на блог, меня постоянно выкидывает. Сейчас зашел через прокси и все нормально. Можно попросить разблокировать ип адрес
Так уже с недели две не могу попасть со своего ип в блог.

Anonymous said...

Интересное замечание.