21 January 2006

"A Bombing in Tel Aviv Stuns a Distant Arab Family"

Boker Tov, Boulder reflects on a strange way New York Times - the beacon of free journalism and freedom of press - found to tell the story about the Toilet Bomber that blew himself up in the restroom of a shawarma place in Tel Aviv, wounding 30 people.

Such sympathy, indeed, from an American media outlet - when you read these lines, so full of feeling, you get an impression NYT lost a family member.

Sami's brother Samer came out, his eyes red, to tell journalists that the family would not speak of what had happened, and said, "This is an honor, not just to the family of Antar, but to the whole neighborhood."

In a related piece, Boker Tov discovers a new title AP found for Osama Bin Laden. It appears now that the new, politically correct way to call Osama is "dissident". Do you understand it? Like, for instance, Nelson Mandella, Lech Walesa, Andrei Sakharov and many others whose names, actually, it is quite inappropriate to mention in the same space as that of the mass murderer.

AP forgot to mention other titles of OBL - after all he got an MBA and a degree in civil engineering, so please add the necessary abbreviations next time, folks!